BYOI media platform will allow for a host of information to flow out to communities through the Mya Speller Show. Topics will include mental health, domestic violence, health, education, financial responsibility, employment, and substance abuse to name a few. The show will be open to guest who have experienced topics which are important to the communities we serve. Guest will share their experiences and how they were able to beat the odds and succeed in hopes that others are inspired to take their own journey to success.


Partnering with Local Education Agencies across the state of Georgia, BYOI will incorporate a host of supportive services to meet students where they are and provide a host of needed services as identified in school site strategic plans, administrators and teaching staff.


Working with program participants, our Entitlement Specialist identifies resources and areas where participants are in need of services, which include financial, medical, mental health, substance abuse, housing, food, furniture, counseling, and education and meeting the needs of the participant.


BYOI Mentoring Programs will support program participants and their families through a variety of ways, which include individual mentoring, group mentoring, family support, modeling, guidance, and support. Our Partner Mentors will go into the home as well as host activities outside of the home. Our Mentors will be specialized to support children and parents, as well as extended family.


BYOI media platform will allow for a host of information to flow out to communities through the Mya Speller Show. Topics will include mental health, domestic violence, health, education, financial responsibility, employment, and substance abuse to name a few. The show will be open to guest who have experienced topics which are important to the communities we serve. Guest will share their experiences and how they were able to beat the odds and succeed in hopes that others are inspired to take their own journey to success.


Partnering with Local Education Agencies across the state of Georgia, BYOI will incorporate a host of supportive services to meet students where they are and provide a host of needed services as identified in school site strategic plans, administrators and teaching staff.


Working with program participants, our Entitlement Specialist identifies resources and areas where participants are in need of services, which include financial, medical, mental health, substance abuse, housing, food, furniture, counseling, and education and meeting the needs of the participant.


BYOI Mentoring Programs will support program participants and their families through a variety of ways, which include individual mentoring, group mentoring, family support, modeling, guidance, and support. Our Partner Mentors will go into the home as well as host activities outside of the home. Our Mentors will be specialized to support children and parents, as well as extended family.










Beyond Ordinary

Beyond Ordinary Inc. offers integrated medical, behavioral health, housing, and wrap-around services to improve the health and well-being of individuals, families and
groups throughout the Metropolitan Atlanta area and beyond..


Beyond Ordinary Tv

Beyond Ordinary Tv

On the ShowBeyond Ordinary tvAbout The Show From the deeply moving to the purely fun, Beyond Ordinary is a daily destination for all things topical and a platform for viewers to connect with the people who are shaping our world through...

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Opioid Treatment Services

Opioid Treatment Services

Opioid Treatment ServicesOTP Clinic offers a comprehensive approach to Medication Supported Recovery serving individuals with a diagnosis of opioid dependence and heroin addiction. At BYOI we currently offer Methadone Treatment and will continue to seek out best...

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Supportive Housing

Supportive Housing

Supportive HousingBYOI offers supportive housing for low-income, special needs populations and formerly homeless people. It is the single most effective and cost-efficient way to reduce homelessness. Our housing includes a host of supportive services which can be...

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Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Services

Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Services

Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment ServicesClinically we tailor a program of recovery and wellness through an interdisciplinary approach utilizing the vast resources in the community and beyond. Each client’s program is customized to meet them where they are on...

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Mentoring Programs

Mentoring Programs

Mentoring ProgramsBYOI Mentoring Programs will support program participants and their families through a variety of ways which include individual mentoring, group mentoring, family support, modeling, guidance, and support. Our Partner Mentors will go into the home as...

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Entitlement Specialist

Entitlement Specialist

Entitlement SpecialistWorking with program participants our Entitlement Specialist seek out resources and identify areas where participants are in need of services which include financial, medical, mental health, substance abuse, housing, food, furniture, counseling,...

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First Responder Supportive Services

First Responder Supportive Services

First Responder Supportive ServicesFirst Responders play a critical role in keeping communities safe, and in their everyday activities may witness horrific accidents, brutal events, on a daily basis. Our FRSS program seeks to eliminate the stress by providing an...

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TrainingBYOI will offer a host of training opportunities to participants and members of the general community in an effort to build self wealth, confidence, and opportunities to become productive members of one’s respective community. Our training programs will be...

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EducationPartnering with Local Education Agencies across the state of Georgia BYOI, will incorporate a host of supportive services to meet students where they are and provide a host of needed services as identified in school site strategic plans, administrators and...

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Family Secrets

Family Secrets

As long as there have been families in the world, there have been secrets. Secrets can have a negative connotation, but they are not always a bad thing. For instance, planning a surprise party for someone should remain a secret until the honoree’s special day arrives....


97 Atlanta Street Suite 100
McDonough GA 30253

Office Number (678) 671-3547
Fax Number (678) 782-3373
1-888-STARTNOW (Contact Someone Immediately)

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